«Capitalismo Sostenible», una realidad cada vez más latente

Cuando hablamos de capitalismo no hablamos únicamente de un modelo económico, sino de una forma de actuación y comportamiento por parte de la mayoría de las empresas y gobiernos de la actualidad que rige actualmente la actividad económica en prácticamente todo el mundo. Schumpeter lo define como “un proceso continuo de innovación tecnológica y destrucción…

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Capitalismo sostenible ¿viable?

Sin duda alguna el capitalismo es uno de los sistemas económicos más reconocidos y de actualidad en todo el mundo. Sin embargo, la globalización, la digitalización y corrientes que cada vez están más desarrolladas como la sostenibilidad o el cuidado del medio ambiente han llevado a que haya nacido o se empiece a conocer otra…

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Business Study Tour in Amsterdam

LECTURES BTS We arrived on Monday at the university, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, a big modern building with lots of international students from around the world.  We were impressed with the architecture of the university because it was so different from what we used to be in our universities in Spain. You could appreciate in the…

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Business Study Tour in Amsterdam

LECTURES BTS We arrived on Monday at the university, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, a big modern building with lots of international students from around the world.  We were impressed with the architecture of the university because it was so different from what we used to be in our universities in Spain. You could appreciate in the…

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Modelos y sistemas económicos chinos

CHINA’S ECONOMIC HISTORY AND GROWTH From 1980 until our current days, China has been the country with the biggest economic growth in the world, with an average of a 10% yearly growth but, how did they get to this point? There’s no denying that China has one of the oldest and most ancient cultures in…

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his time we are going to write a blog in which we are going to try to show a little bit of the experience lived during the Business Study Tour about the economic models and systems in China. In this first edition of the BST, students from all of ESIC were hosted by the Hogeschool…

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MBM Amsterdam 2022

We had the pleasure to attend Hogeschool van Amsterdam thanks to ESIC BUSINESS SCHOOL with all our classmates, we were anxious to meet the other students from the different ESIC sites.We were very excited to get to know the school’s facilities, and willing to learn from the professionals in front of us to learn more…

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