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P: ¿Qué aprendiste de tu experiencia en España?
Q: What have you learned from your experience in Spain?

K. Dasilva
R: “España me ha enseñado a compartir, a esperar y a ser paciente”
A: “Spain has taught me to share, to wait, and to be patient.”

E. Miller
R: “Además de mejorar mis conocimientos en la lengua española, he aprendido como desenvolverme fuera de mi zona de confort”.
A: “Besides expandig my knowledge of the Spanish language, I´ve learned how to function out of my comfort zone – and love it.”

R. Abrams
R: “Hasta ahora, he aprendido muchísimo español y por primera vez puedo mantener una conversación en la lengua. A su vez me ha ayudado a abrirme más al entorno fuera de los EE.UU.
A: “ So far, I´ve learned a lot of Spanish, and for the first time, I can hold a conversation. Also I´ve become much more open to the world outside the U.S.“

D. Eads
R: “He aprendido tantas cosas que posiblemente no podría escribirlas todas”
A: “I´ve learned so many things that I couldn´t possibly write them all down!”

P: ¿cuál es tu mejor recuerdo de este viaje?
Q: What will your favourite memory be from this trip?

K. Dasilva
R: “Mi mejor recuerdo de este viaje fue Sevilla, esta ciudad tiene algo “mágico” que realmente me impresionó.”
A: “My favourite memory from the trip will be Seville; this city has something “magical” that really got to me”.

E. Miller
R: “Es difícil escoger uno sólo, pero yo diría que el mejor fue conocer la obra arquitectónica de Gaudí en Barcelona.”
A: “While it´s difficult to pick out just one, I´d have to say exploring the Gaudi buildings in Barcelona.”

R. Abrams
R: “La última noche en Madrid, cuando la mayoría del grupo y las profesoras salieron a bailar juntos a un local de salsa; me lo pasé genial esa noche.”
A: “…the last night in Madrid, when most of the group and all of the professors went out to dance at a salsa club together; I had a good time that night.”

P: ¿cuál es tu comida favorita en España?
Q: What is your favourite Spanish food?

D. Eads, R. Goldman, B. Langford
R: “Tortilla de patatas”.

E. Miller
R: “Gazpacho”

M. Joseph
R: “Croquetas”

C. Alkhal
R: “Jamón Ibérico”

P: ¿Cuál es la mayor diferencia, según tu opinión, entre la vida que llevas en tu país y en España?
Q: What is the biggest difference, in your opinion, between your life in your country and here?

E. Miller
R: “Desgraciadamente, los Americanos no dormimos siesta”
A: “Unfortunately Americans don´t take “siestas”!

R. Goldman
R: “La comida. No he visto tanto jamón en mi vida”.
A: “Food! I have never seen so much ham in my life”.

D. Eads
R: “Que en España se utiliza más el transporte público o se camina más que en los Estados Unidos, donde se usa más el coche.
A: “Public transport and walking more (Spain) vs. cars (U.S.)”

P: ¿Qué tal fue tu estancia en familia española?
Q: How was your homestay?

R: “Una familia encantadora y muy atenta. Me sentí muy cómodo con ellos.”
A: “Very nice family and very helpful. Felt comfortable there.”

R: “La madre de mi familia en España es realmente agradable, se esfuerza para que aprendamos mejor español. Nos sentimos como en casa. Mi familia en Sevilla era maravillosa.”
A: “My homestay mother is really friendly and always helps us learn Spanish better. We are very comfortable and feel at home. My family in Seville is wonderful.” (Anónimo)

P: ¿Cómo fueron vuestros profesores?
Q: And your teachers?

R: “Mi profesora ha sido la más efectiva que nunca he tenido. Le entusiasma enseñar y siempre respondía a nuestras pregunta2s. Ojalá pudiera llevármela conmigo a los Estados Unidos.”
A: “My teacher has been the most effective teacher I´ve ever had. She´s excited to teach, always answers. I wish I could take her back to the United States with me!”

R: “Mi profesora es excelente y voy a echarla mucho de menos.”
A: “My teacher is excellent and I´m going to miss her a lot!”

R: “La mejor profesora que he tenido”
A: “Best Spanih teacher ever”

P: ¿Hay algo más que te gustaría comentar acerca de tu experiencia?
Q: Anything else you´d like to comment on?

C. Alkhal
R: “Estoy muy satisfecho con la buena coordinación y planificación de las actividades. Ha superado mis expectativas.”
A: “I am very happy with how well planned all our trips are. It was beyond my expectations.”

A. Moody
R: “Mi experiencia en España ha sido divertidísima. He aprendido un montón”
A: “My experience in Spain has been very fun. I have learned a lot.”

B. Langford
R: “Esta experiencia ha superado las expectativas que tenía. ¡Viva España!
A: “This experience has met any expectation I had. ¡Viva España!”

Former student experience

Testimonio Mia Roque, exalumna de ESIC Idiomas en Sevilla
Mia Roque´s testimony, former student of ESIC Idiomas in Sevilla

About ESIC University

"My first foreign exchange experience. I never initially had plans to study abroad anywhere. Somewhat closed my mind off to the idea. I had one of those- “I pay to go to Northeastern, I don’t feel the need to go elsewhere” -mentalities.

I’m very glad that that changed somewhere along the road.

Through a friend, I heard about Northeastern’s study abroad program through the business school. I did not go through with it that summer, but after having had a whole year later to consider it, I set my mind to it.

I saw Spain. Summer. Finance elective. Culture. And I was sold.

ESIC is a business and marketing school in Sevilla. It was a 20-minute walk from our residence. While this was not always an easy walk to do at 840am, we [indirectly] enjoyed the exercise.

Sevilla also has those rent-a-bike stations (very similar to the Zip Car business in the states) and Phil & Dave sometimes rode bikes to class when they were running late. “Sevilla a Tu Ritmo,” Sevilla at Your Rhythm. Would love to see these bikes in the bigger cities of the states on day, they’re all over major cities in Europe.

Our program included 2 classes, 8 credits – what we would normally complete during a summer session in Boston.

The best thing about ESIC: our professors. Especially Raquel, our program coordinator. She's nothing short of amazing. She’s genuinely wants us to have a good experience here in Sevilla, as well as on our excursions to Granada and Madrid. From taking us to her favorite restaurants in the area, to taking us salsa dancing at a discoteca- she helps you fall even deeper in love with a country that is already so irresistibly loveable.

Next best thing: their coffee. Even their vending machines have better coffee than America!

After this experience in my life, I definitely encourage everyone who is considering studying abroad to PURSUE THAT GOAL. You won’t regret it. "

The togetherness.

"I’m so grateful for the new relationships that have come out of this trip. But as most graduations and farewells, you know that it won’t ever be the same again. But I think that’s the beauty of it. It’s something that you can look back on in a positive light. I miss it deeply, but I know I’ve changed for the better because of all of it."