Comercial y Ventas, Comportamiento del Consumidor, Comunicación, Investigación Comercial, Logística y Distribución, Marketing
Investigación Comercial, Marketing
1ª edición
Enrique Pérez del Campo Verónica Rosendo Ríos
The Industrial Revolution favored the growth of supply, until its surplus with regards to demand led to the paradigm shift focusing on the product (“a good product sells itself”), or production (“a cheap product sells itself”), to the emphasis on customer relationships (“understanding consumer needs through market research”). Therefore, economic and technological development facilitated the incorporation of the business research discipline into the process of decision making —in the ning— and business intelligence processes —these days— in order to make well informed decisions at lower economic risks (Méndez del Río, 2006).
Thus, this book provides managers and students alike, with a clear analysis of business research methods, combining the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary to complete a successful research project.
Readers will learn proven examples and case studies based on real life situations, which complement theoretical concepts and clearly illustrate how to do an appropriate market research. With each chapter, the reader is guided through all the stages of a market research process - problem recognition to final report writing.
This book offers both a deep understanding and at the same time permits judgment and analysis a financial-audit perspective. It reviews and develops easy-to-follow theoretical and practical concepts in a simple, concise and clear structure that facilitate the application of business research methods to a wide variety of business sectors.
Introduction.- PART I: GATHERING THE DATA. Nature and Characteristics of Marketing Research.- Marketing Research Organization and Planning.- Sources and Tools of Market Research Data.- Measurement Scales and Questionnaire.- Surveys.- Panels.- Marketing Experimental Research.- Observation.- Qualitative Tools.- Theory and Practice of Sampling.- Fieldwork.- PART II: ANALYSING THE DATA. Survey Code and Tabulation.- Hypothesis Testing.- PART III: THE REPORT. The Report.- Figure Index.- Table Index .
He was born in Plasencia (Cáceres), and lived for sixteen years in Santiago de Chile.
He holds a PhD in Economic and Business Administration from Complutense University of Madrid with the Doctoral Thesis: “Marketing in China”.
He is a Commercial Engineer and has a BA in Business Administration from the University of Santiago de Chile (“number one position in his academic year”). He has been teaching Marketing since 1987, combining this with the marketing profession-always in the commercial and marketing departments-sequentially in BASF Group; National Forestry Corporation; NCR and Qualitas Hispania. He is the author of 14 books and numerous articles and papers in the area of marketing and sales.
Verónica Rosendo Ríos es doctora en Marketing (Economía de la Empresa) y ha realizado los estudios de: ADE, Executive-MBA en ICADE; Licenciatura en Filología Inglesa y varios postgrados en Marketing y en Métodos Cuantitativos y Técnicas Estadísticas en la UPM.
Actualmente es profesora en el área de Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados en el Colegio Universitario de Estudios financieros (CUNEF; UCM). Ha trabajado previamente en la URJC, ESIC, ESERP, y ha colaborado en la Universidad de Londres y en la Universidad de Staffordshire.
Es autora de varios libros, así como de diversos artículos académicos indexados en bases de datos internacionales de reconocido prestigio internacional (tales como Journal of Business Research, Cross-Cultural Management, entre otros del Journal Citation Index) dentro del campo de la investigación de mercados y el marketing estratégico.
Igualmente, su trayectoria profesional está respaldada por muchos años de experiencia en la casa matriz de diferentes compañías nacionales e internacionales tales como: Electronic Data Systems UK (EDS), GlobalTelesystems UK (GTS), Sony UK, Johnson & Johnson UK, Dorling Kingdersley UK, Eurostars UK donde trabajó como European Financial Controller, Senior Business and Operation Control Analyst, European Marketing Manager, and Operation Control Manager. Asimismo, ha participado en numeras conferencias internacionales, ha realizado estancias de investigación en universidades internacionales (tales como King´s College London, Universidad de Jordania, Universidad de Salento, etc) y ha trabajado en proyectos de investigación y consultoría para múltiples entidades públicas y privadas (como el Ministerio de Asuntos Interiores, El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, la CEE o KPMG).
Comercial y Ventas, Comportamiento del Consumidor, Comunicación, Investigación Comercial, Logística y Distribución, Marketing
Comercial y Ventas, Comportamiento del Consumidor, Estratégico, Investigación Comercial, Marketing, Operativo y Sectorial
Investigación Comercial, Logística y Distribución
Comunicación, Publicidad e Imagen, Investigación Comercial
Investigación Comercial, Marketing