Empresa, Estratégico, Operativo y Sectorial
1ª edición
Fernando Marco Faderna Juan Puchalt Sanchís Fernando Castelló Sirvent Juan Poveda Gil
Carlos Ledó, founder and CEO of Idai Nature, is an enterprising agronomist, leader, visionary and persevering. He is a person who loves challenges. Very disruptive and bold. Good relations with circles of power and stakeholders. Direct, transparent and loyal to his team and committed to Valencian society and economy.
In 2015, as an entrepreneur without resources, and the company/brand was already positioned at the local level, a strategy had to be considered to obtain alternative financing to establish itself at the national level, since traditional financing was not possible, since the national banks did not they financed.
Licenciado en Química por Universidad de Valencia. MBA por Cerem IBS. Curso Superior de Operaciones, Logística y Cadena de Suministro por Universidad de Nebrija. Técnico Superior en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales. Especialista en Calidad, Medioambiente Industrial y Lean Manufacturing. Experiencia de más de 20 años, ha realizado trabajos en todos los procesos de la cadena de suministro en empresas de formulación, envasado y distribución de productos químicos. En la actualidad, desarrolla su actividad como responsable de ingeniería de procesos & QHSE en IQV, S.A. (Matholding Group), empresa dedicada a la síntesis de sales de cobre y formulación, envasado y distribución de productos fitosanitarios. Profesor de ESIC desde el año 2019, participa en diferentes programas como el EMBA, MBM y LOCS, también colabora con el Corporate Education, impartiendo diferentes cursos.
Degree in Chemistry from the University of Valencia. MBA from Cerem IBS. Advanced Course in Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain from the University of Nebrija. Occupational risk prevention expert. Specialist in Quality, Industrial Environment and Lean Manufacturing. Experience of more than 20 years, having carried out work in all the processes of the supply chain in companies of formulation, filling, packaging and distribution of chemical products. Currently, he carries out his activity as Process Engineering & QHSE Manager at IQV, S.A. (Matholding Group), a company dedicated to the synthesis of copper salts and the formulation, filling, packaging and distribution of crop protection products. Professor at ESIC since 2019, he participates in different programs such as the EMBA, MBM and LOCS, he also collaborates with Corporate Education, teaching different courses.
LinkedIn: in/ferranmarcofaderna/
Profesor de marketing –área de grado– en ESIC Business & Marketing School desde 2011 (campus de Valencia). Profesor asociado en la Facultad de Economía de Valencia (1994-1996). Doctor en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales (Universidad de Valencia). Ha publicado diversos artículos sobre ferias comerciales y participado en más de cuarenta congresos y seminarios nacionales e internacionales relacionados con la actividad ferial. Ha colaborado en varios proyectos de investigación. Consultor y secretario general de la Asociación de Ferias Españolas. 37 años en el sector de ferias comerciales, ha ocupado varios cargos directivos en Feria Valencia (1985-2011) e International Business Developer en Fira de Barcelona y en otras empresas.
Professor of marketing at ESIC Business & Marketing School since 2011 (campus of Valencia). Associate professor at the Faculty of Economics of Valencia (1994-1996). Doctor in Economy and Business Administration (University of Valencia). He has published some articles on exhibitions and has participated in more than forty national and international conferences and seminars related to the exhibition industry. He has collaborated on several research projects. Consultant and general secretary of the Spanish Trade Fairs Association. 37 years in the exhibition industry, holding various management positions at Feria Valencia (1985-2011) and as International Business Developer at Fira de Barcelona and at other companies.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juan-puchalt-42379b14/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jpuchalt5
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/juan.puchalt
Economista, profesor e investigador en ESIC Business & Marketing School. Doctor en Dirección de Empresas por la Universitat de València. Ha impartido clases en las áreas de comercio internacional, economía española y economía internacional. Asimismo, su experiencia docente se ha desarrollado en dirección estratégica, control de gestión y sistemas de información empresarial. Sus áreas de investigación incluyen think-tanks y políticas públicas, transiciones sociotécnicas, estrategia, sostenibilidad y emprendimiento. Su producción académica ha sido publicada en revistas indexadas en Journal Citation Reports (JCR) y en libros indexados en Scholarly Publishers Indicators (SPI). Adicionalmente, trabaja como analista económico, consultor estratégico y experto en inteligencia competitiva.
Economist and associate professor in ESIC Business & Marketing School. He holds a PhD in Business Managment from the University of València. He has taught courses on international trade, international economics and Spanish economics. Likewise, his teaching experience has been developed in management, strategy, and business information systems. His fields of research include sustainable transitions, strategy, crisis management, think-tanks and public policy, and entrepreneurship, and have been published as journal articles indexed in Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and books indexed in Scholarly Publishers Indicators (SPI). He also currently works as a economic analyst, strategic consultant and senior business advisor for SMEs and family firms.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fcastello/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Castello_F
Ingeniero en Diseño Industrial por la Universidad Cardenal Herrera CEU, con máster universitario en Nuevas Tendencias y Procesos de Innovación en Comunicación por la Universitat Jaume I, y máster Executive MBA en ESIC Business & Marketing School. Actualmente, es doctorando en el programa de doctorado en Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Universitat Jaume I. Sus líneas de investigación se centran en el análisis de la comunicación del constructo innovación en el entorno de la innovación social. Compagina su actividad laboral como consultor de branding con la de profesor asociado en grado y posgrado en ESIC Business & Marketing School.
Engineer in Industrial Design from the Cardenal Herrera CEU University, with a Master's Degree in New Trends and Innovation Processes in Communication from the Jaume I University, and an Executive MBA from ESIC Business & Marketing School. He is currently a doctoral student in the Doctorate Program in Communication Sciences at the Universitat Jaume I. His lines of research focus on the analysis of the communication of the innovation construct in the Social Innovation environment. He combines his work activity as a Branding Consultant with that of associate professor in Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses at ESIC Business & Marketing School.