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Today the world is a less safe place than five years ago, not only in matters of security, but also in many areas. The world of 2014 looks little like now. The following months all the companies will be obliged to follow, carefully and in detail, big challenges such as Brexit, and trade and currency wars.

In a new world order, in a period of high instability, it is absolutely needed to have a clear, updated and professional knowledge about the new terms and business models that affect, and conditionate, the proper management of all the aspects that must be taken into account when preparing international transactions.

* La jornada se desarrollará en inglés

PONENTE: Marta Prado Larburu

MD, Ph.D. in Transnational Trade Law, LL.M., MBA, International Business Advisor and Professor.

Directora Gerente INCOTRANS - Especialista en internacionalización de empresas, transporte y comercio internacional.


  18 de Sep del 2019 | de a
  ESIC Bilbao
Cámara de Bilbao, Alameda Recalde 50
Marta Prado Larburu