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19 tools for working remotely

19 tools for working remotely

Business | Artículo
  • Visitas
  • Febrero 2020
  • Fecha de publicación
  • Febrero 2020
  • Business
  • Artículo
Jose Luis Ferrero

Jose Luis Ferrero

Profesor y Director del Master in Digital Marketing en ESIC. Apasionado del eCommerce y la Comunicación; Director de negocio en vdSHOP (grupo VASS).


  • Slack: Instant messaging and channels by subject, client or project.
  • Zoom: Virtual meeting rooms for up to 100 people.
  • Meet: Tool integrated with Google Calendar for informal meetings of up to 10 people.
  • Miro: work in a big canvas to move information in real time with different users connected.

Collaborative work

  • AWW: Digital whiteboard with option to share and download the final result.
  • Mural: Tool for collaborative meetings that allows interaction around a digital board.
  • Stormboard: It has templates and allows to share videos, Excel documents, etc.
  • Whiteboard: Digital whiteboard for teamwork and very easy to use.

Organization of work

  • Asana: Integrates communication, calendar, boards, repositories, etc.
  • Teams: Corporate version of Microsoft, which integrates many of its tools into one and allows collaboration.
  • Trello: Based on the Kanban method, it has different groups and virtual boards managed in a collaborative way.

Document Repositories

  • Drive: Google tool with large storage capacity, which allows us to organize our work and share links.
  • Onedrive: Microsoft's alternative for centralizing documents integrated into Teams.
  • Dropbox: Useful for centralizing and sharing open content without having a Microsoft or Google account.

Other tools

  • Doodle: Very useful tool to agree on dates.
  • Loomio: Free software for making decisions collectively without being together.
  • Mentimeter: Used to make presentations and events interactive.
  • Kahoot: Functionalities for training and gamification of events.
  • Kanbanize: Allows a large number of automations to manage flows in an intuitive way.
  • Fecha de publicación
  • Febrero 2020
  • Business
  • Artículo
  • Autor

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