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Spanish university entrance exam: Structure and tips

Internacional | Artículo
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  • Junio 2024
_ESIC Business & Marketing School

_ESIC Business & Marketing School

ESIC Business & Marketing School.

The Spanish university entrance exam is an important procedure for students who want to go to a university in Spain. It is also known as the Spanish University Admission Exam or EvAU and it identifies a student’s suitability to attend university. 

It is a general examination that includes a number of subjects, depending on the student’s field of study. We will now deal with the structure and a few tips to help you pass. 


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Exam structure: Overview 

The university entrance exam in Spain is divided into two main phases: the general phase and the specific phase. The general phase consists of Spanish language and literature, a foreign language, history or philosophy, and a subject related to the student’s chosen field (science, humanities, etc.) 

The specific phase allows students to choose other subjects of their interest related to their university course, which may result in better results. 

1. General phase: Core subjects 

In the general phase of the Spanish university entrance exam, students respond to the questions related to the necessary subjects. The Spanish language and literature section covers vocabulary, grammar, and writing in so far as it concerns essay writing.

The foreign language section is normally English, but French or German can be chosen as the foreign language. In general, history or philosophy helps to verify a person’s critical thinking and historical knowledge. This phase also ensures that the students have a good basic knowledge of the vital aspects of learning. 

2. Specific phase: Subject choices 

The specific phase of the university entrance exam offers the student the possibility to show off their knowledge of the final subjects. They may choose up to four of them which are related to the intended area of specialization. 

For instance, a student who wants to be an engineer will select physics and mathematics as their options. However, this phase is optional, but has the potential to boost the student’s final grade, thus putting them in a better position to get a place at university.  

Preparing for the exam: Study strategies 

It is important to mention that preparing for the Spanish university entrance examination must be planned. Other useful tips include defining a study schedule that will help the student allocate sufficient time to each subject. 

Students are advised to use past exam papers is, to familiarize themselves with the pattern and the type of questions they may encounter. Another good idea is to form groups, since group discussions can be helpful in understanding the content. It is also important to take breaks while studying, to prevent boredom and maintain a keen mind. 

Time management during the exam 

The purpose of this section is to stress the importance of time management in preparing for the university entrance examination. Thus, when taking the test, it is useful to divide up the time allocated to completing the test into the different parts of the test. 

Start with questions that you consider are relatively simple to help boost your confidence and get the basic elements of the exercise right. Time management is also important; do not spend too much time on one question. Use the mock exams to increase your speed in order to complete the exam before the set time is up. 

Staying calm and focused 

Here are some general guidelines about the Spanish university entrance exam. One of them is to keep calm and focused. Stress leads to anxiety that has a negative impact on your performance, so try to take a break and breathe or meditate

To prepare for the exam, it is important to get a good night’s sleep the night before the exam and eat a healthy breakfast on the day of the exam. Some other things you can do are to make sure you arrive at the exam center early, to get a feel for your surroundings. 

Utilizing the available resources 

Here are some of the materials you can consult to prepare for the university entrance exam. On the internet there are practice tests, study guides, and videos that can be used by students. 

Most schools provide prep classes and career guidance. In the event that you have problems with certain specific concepts, it is best not to hesitate and turn to your teachers or tutors for help. This will enable you to improve your knowledge and feel comfortable with the sources used.  

Importance of mock exams 

Mock exams are one of the most effective strategies in preparing for the Spanish university entrance exam. They are similar to the actual examination room, and help candidates manage their time and overcome stress on the day of the exam. 

They help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and plan your preparation in a better way for the real exams. In conclusion, it is often helpful to do mock exams in order to improve your level of readiness. 

Tips for day of the exam 

On the day of the university entrance exam, some of the things you should not forget are your proof of identity, pencils, eraser and if allowed, a calculator. Make sure that you read all the instructions before you start the exam. 

For instance, make sure you are properly hydrated and take deep breaths if you feel stressed. As a friendly reminder, the two main weapons for the fight that you have ahead of you are preparation and positivism. 

Final advice on the Spanish university entrance exam 

In relation to the Spanish university entrance exam, it is a relevant milestone in the life of students who want to continue their studies in Spanish universities. Understanding its format and heeding the above preparation tips will be very helpful. 

Things to avoid are not being organized, lack of practice, and negativism. If you study properly, you will be able to get the grades that will help you go to your preferred university. Good luck! 

If you dream to study at ESIC, contact us and we will guide you through the whole process. We have personalized help for international students, get in touch! 

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